GENEVA - Opening Cocktail of "The language of Bronze" / Thursday 11 May 2023 / Group Show presenting new sculptures by Paola Grizi, Isabel Miramontes, Hedwige Leroux & Jacques Van Den Abeele
THURSDAY 11 MAY 2023 OPENING COCKTAIL In the presence of Paola Grizi & Hedwige Leroux. NEW SCULPTURES BY PAOLA GRIZI BEL-AIR FINE ART GENEVA PAOLA GRIZI Paola Grizi is an Italian artist living in Rome. From early childhood she developed a strong artistic sensibility that today is expressed through sculpture, creating works in bronze and terracotta, in different dimensions from small to monumental. For many years Grizi has produced incredible sculptures of faces that seem to emerge from the pages of books. She subtly manipulates the compositions to evoke emotion. These mysterious faces seem to appear from the ether, sometimes casting a meditative gaze and at other times connecting to the subconscious of the viewer. Grizi skillfully manipulates her mediums of choice, with her sculptures continually evolving into more complex pieces of architecture. Paola Grizi, Background - 35 x 15 x 12 cm bronze sculpture - original ed. of 8 ex + 4 AP ISABEL MIRAMONTES Miramontes was born in Santiago de Compostella (Spain). But it was in Belgium, in Brussels, that the artist grew up and did her studies, obtaining a teaching diploma in Fine Arts at the Institut Sainte Marie. The visual language of Isabel Miramontes steadfastly represents the human being in ail the ambiguity of its power and frailty, its confinement and yearning for liberty, its dreams and triumphs. This fascinating figure, the synthesis of forms and thoughts, expresses the reality of life with its moments of joy, but also drama, abandon and tension. lndeed a figure who most assuredly speaks to everyone at the very depth of their being. Isabel Miramontes, Mira - 87 x 26 x 26 cm bronze sculpture - original ed. of 8 ex + 4 AP HEDWIGE LEROUX Hedwige Leroux first studied painting and drawing in Brussels, and then discovered the art of modeling clay. Her latest creations come from a patient work of the clay that she models with delicacy. She enjoys playing on textures and marks her imprint in clay, giving life to delicate and harmonious silhouettes, with an strong presence. Her bronze sculptures are surprising for their fragility and elegance. They seduce with their creativity and fantasy. Hedwige's women are also contemporary, rooted in today's world from which they take the codes and habits. Hedwige Leroux, Réponds-moi - 80 x 15 x 35 cm bronze sculpture - original ed. of 8 ex + 4 AP JACQUES VAN DEN ABEELE Jacques Van Den Abeele was born in Belgium in 1960. In 1980, he discovered and experimented bronze techniques in a search for an ever more harmonious purification of forms. This technique developed by the artist and his personal concept give birth to an art that gives full value to his theory on the purification of forms. Van den Abeele is inspired by the observation he draws from scenes of daily life and studies the behavior of men and animals, their emotions, their gestures and their way of living together. Jacques Van Den Abeele, Tango - 80 x 60 x 30 cm - bronze sculpture - original ed. of 8 ex + 4 AP |
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